High school is a crucial time for all students as they follow a path of continuous learning and work towards being prepared for a world outside of school. It is during these important years of Secondary Education that students learn valuable skills in a range of fields including academic, sporting and social.
Melville High School is a comprehensive 7 -12 school, located on Dunghutti land in the Macleay Valley, Kempsey Shire on the Mid North Coast of NSW. In 2021 Melville High School was included in the Connected Communities strategy. The school provides opportunities in academic, sporting, cultural, creative and technological learning areas and implements programs to develop social and vocational skills. All students at the school are encouraged to work towards positive post-school pathways ranging from completing their Higher School Certificate or following a vocational pathway which may lead to further study or employment. In the junior years, students follow a prescribed pattern of study with elective classes becoming available for students in Stage 5 and Stage 6 as they take ownership over their own learning journey.
Over the years many Melville students have demonstrated high levels of achievement in all areas of student life. Students are encouraged to experience all that High School has to offer through a broad compliment of extracurricular activities and excursions.
Student support structures emphasise effective learning, student welfare and discipline, and student success is widely recognised and publicly celebrated. Our school values are, ‘Respectful, Responsible and Resilient’ and our Culture for Consistency team focuses on developing skills in Restorative Practices in all students and staff.
Our 2021 - 2025 Strategic Improvement Plan aims to drive student excellence and achievement through a focus on developing skills in literacy and numeracy. Alongside this is a target towards improved transition programs within both middle school and post-school areas. Improving relationships and communication with our local school community is also a key focus as a school can only thrive with the full support of its community.